Thursday, March 15, 2012

Alyson Hannigan and Vegan Cupcakes

My husband and I are HUGE Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans. We watch the entire series every few years. We even named our dog Willow after the evil witch Willow from the show. See why?

We also love How I Met Your Mother so we were SUPER excited to run into Alyson Hannigan at a vegan bakery in Los Angeles. Living in L.A. you often see celebrities out and about and normally we just whisper to ourselves how cool it is and go our merry way. But this time we just had to say something, so my husband asked her for a pic. She was so incredibly nice (and gorgeous I may add). I look like a complete dork in this photo because I was totally geeking out, but needless to say this made my weekend - and the vegan cupcakes weren't so bad either!!

(my friend Agatha is making her 4th appearance in my blog - she's keeping count!)